Flowers (76)


Calla Lily Promise Boutonniere

The groom wears a sophisticated Calla Lily Promise Boutonniere - a single mini calla lily with ivy and pothos greens.

Falling for You Bouquet

Brighten up your Valentine's Day with The Falling for You Bouquet. Occasionally Gifted offers flower delivery in the Toronto area and across Canada. Call 905-257-2433 or 866-431-GIFT(4438) to order your flower arrangement to let them know how special they are. When it Needs to be More Than Just the Thought that Counts...

Long Stem Pink Rose Bouquet

Soft pink roses make a beautiful gift for the lovely lady in your life. She's sure to cherish this bouquet of pastel pink roses accented with seeded eucalyptus and arranged in a clear glass vase. Call Occasionally Gifted for Valentine's Day flower bouquets in Oakville. 905-257-2433 or 866-431-GIFT(4438) When it needs to be more than just the thought...

Precious Heart Bouquet

This precious bouquet holds radiant hot pink roses, deep red matsumoto asters and light pink mini carnations designed to warm her heart.

Sweethearts Bouquet

The Sweethearts Bouquet is the perfect expression of love and affection this Valentine's Day. Send your heart's every wish straight to your recipient's door. Call Occasionally Gifted for the best Valentine's Day flower bouquets in Oakville. 905-257-2433 or 866-431-GIFT(4438) When only the best will do.

Sweet Sunshine Wristlet

The Sweet Sunshine Wristlet is a ray of warm sunshine to honor any of the special women in your life on your wedding day.

The Enchantment Corsage

The Enchantment Corsage is a blushing representation of gorgeous grace and beauty.

Rustic Bouquet

A touch of rustic charm is all you need to bring a space together. Occasionally Gifted offers flower delivery in the Toronto area and across Canada. Call 905-257-2433 or 866-431-GIFT(4438) to order your flower arrangement to let them know how special they are. When it Needs to be More Than Just the Thought that Counts...

Pink Cymbidium Boutonniere

The Pink Cymbidium Boutonniere brings a fresh elegance to the look of your wedding party.

Flowers (76)
