Flowers (68)


Sweet Sunshine Wristlet

The Sweet Sunshine Wristlet is a ray of warm sunshine to honor any of the special women in your life on your wedding day.

Sunny Sentiments Bouquet

The Sunny Sentiments Bouquet of sunny yellow roses, Peruvian lilies, daisies and green button poms creates a memorable bouquet perfect for celebrating a birthday, anniversary, sending your congratulations or "thank you.". Call us at 905-257-2433 or 866-431-4738 to order.

Rose Bloom Boutonniere

The Rose Bloom classic boutonniere uses a single red rose to make an elegant statement.

The Enchantment Corsage

The Enchantment Corsage is a blushing representation of gorgeous grace and beauty.

Pick-Me-Up Bouquet - 1

Occasionally Gifted proudly presents Pick-Me-Up Bouquet. A beautifully bright and colourful way to spread sunshine and cheer. Call us at 905-257-2433 or 866-431-4738 to order.

Colonnade Corsage

Nothing says "elegant" like the crisp white hues of The Colonnade Corsage.

Grand Occasion Luxury Bouquet

The Grand Occasion Bouquet is the perfect way to add sophistication and elegance into any celebration

Congratulations Balloon Bunch

This Balloon Bouquet has 2 mylar and 6 latex balloons. Occasionally Gifted offers Balloon Bouquet delivery across Canada. Call Occasionally Gifted at 905-257-2433 or 866-431-GIFT(4438) to order your Balloon Bouquet to tell everyone the good news.

Timeless Elegance Bouquet 1

The Timeless Elegance Bouquet offers your every wish of hopeful happiness to your special recipient for a wonderful Mother's Day, to celebrate the spring months ahead, or to extend your congratulations or happy birthday wishes. Call us at 905-257-2433 or 866-431-4738 to order.

Flowers (68)
