Flowers (92)


Sweet Sunshine Wristlet

The Sweet Sunshine Wristlet is a ray of warm sunshine to honor any of the special women in your life on your wedding day.

Colour Mix Bouquet

The Colour Mix Bouquet is a beautiful bouquet with a great mix of colours!

Because You're Special Bouquet

Pick a day - any day - to tell someone how special they are to you with the Because You're Special Bouquet.

Rustic Bouquet

A touch of rustic charm is all you need to bring a space together. Occasionally Gifted offers flower delivery in the Toronto area and across Canada. Call 905-257-2433 or 866-431-GIFT(4438) to order your flower arrangement to let them know how special they are. When it Needs to be More Than Just the Thought that Counts...

Fresh Picked Flower Girl Basket

TheFresh Picked Flower Girl Basket Your little Flower Girl will be thrilled to carry her basket down the aisle.

Abundant Harvest Basket

The Abundant Harvest Basket is bejeweled in Autumn's most majestic hues creating an arrangement of blooming beauty. Dark orange Asiatic lilies, bi-coloured orange roses, burgundy miniature carnations, fuchsia spray roses, peach hypericum berries and millet grass are bountifully displayed in a natural wood basket to celebrate the inspiring beauty of this coming harvest season.

Pink Cymbidium Boutonniere

The Pink Cymbidium Boutonniere brings a fresh elegance to the look of your wedding party.

Fall Harvest Cornucopia

Bring beauty and meaning to any Thanksgiving celebration with this modern take on an enduring and beloved symbol of a favorite American holiday. Beautifully redesigned for 2015, this updated classic starts with the traditional woven seagrass "horn of plenty". It makes a warm, charming setting for an abundance of the season's prettiest flowers including burgundy carnations, red Asiatic lilies, and yellow daisy pompons accented with "harvest chic" dry wheat stalks. What a wonderful way to be a part of friends' and family's Thanksgiving, when you are apart for friends' and family's celebration.

Love & Roses Bouquet

The gorgeous simplicity of pink rosesis what makes the Love and Roses Bouquet a classic favorite for Valentine's Day. Occasionally Gifted offers flower delivery in the Toronto area and across Canada. Call 905-257-2433 or 866-431-GIFT(4438) to order your flower arrangement to let them know how special they are. When it Needs to be More Than Just the Thought that Counts...

Flowers (92)
