Flowers (101)


Pink Exuberance Bouquet

The Pink Exuberance Bouquet offers an unforgettable styling your special recipient will adore, this mixed flower bouquet is set to send sweet wishes with gorgeous grace. Arranged in a pink glass lantern inspired vase that can be used as a candle holder after the original offering of flowers fades, this mixed flower bouquet will make an excellent Mother's Day, birthday, thank you, or congratulations gift. Call us at 905-257-2433 or 866-431-4738 to order for delivery across Canada.

Fate Luxury Bouquet

Fate brought you together for this one incredible moment. Celebrate your love and heartfelt emotion with a display of the most amazing roses.

Because You're Special Bouquet

Pick a day - any day - to tell someone how special they are to you with the Because You're Special Bouquet.

Loving Light Dishgarden

The Loving Light Dishgarden is a ray of hope and a beautiful symbol of eternal life offered through our finest collection of plants.

Duet Luxury Rose Bouquet

Create harmony and peace in honor of the bond you share. This unique and fashionable bouquet bursts with our finest blooms.

Seasons Glow Centrepiece

The Season's Glow Centrepiece blooms with winter elegance and holiday enchantment to grace your Christmas celebrations. Occasionally Gifted delivers Christmas Holiday flowers across Canada. Call 905-257-2433 or 866-431-GIFT(4438) to order your Christmas flowers for family and friends. When only the best will do.

Irresistible Luxury Bouquet

Blooming with roses and open-cut calla lilies, this exquisite flower bouquet will bring wonder and elegant beauty into their every day

Colonnade Corsage

Nothing says "elegant" like the crisp white hues of The Colonnade Corsage.

Pink Poise Bouquet

Occasionally Gifted proudly presents the Pink Poise Bouquet to make Mother's Day 2016 more special than ever. Call us at 905-257-2433 or 866-431-4738 to order.

Flowers (101)
