Flowers (128)


Sweet Splendor Bouquet

The Sweet Splendor Bouquet radiates birthday wishes with every sun-filled bloom! Occasionally Gifted offers birthday flower delivery in the Toronto area and across Canada. Call 905-257-2433 or 866-431-GIFT(4438) to order a birthday flower arrangement to let them know how special they are on their birthday. When only the best will do.

In Our Thoughts Arrangement

The In Our Thoughts Arrangement is a symbol of pure peace and caring kindness. Occasionally Gifted delivers sympathy flower arrangements in the Greater Toronto area and across Canada. Call 905-257-2433 or 866-431-GIFT(4438) to send an arrangement that expresses your sympathy beautifully. When it Needs to be More Than Just the Thought that Counts...

Enduring Peace Basket

The Enduring Peace Basket is bursting with grace and sweet elegance to honor the life of the deceased and offer comfort to friends and family. Occasionally Gifted delivers sympathy flower arrangements in the Toronto area and across Canada. Call 905-257-2433 or 866-431-GIFT(4438) to order the Enduring Peace Basket to express your sympathy beautifully. When only the best will do.

Joyous Holiday Bouquet

The Joyous Holiday Bouquet is a seasonal sensation your special recipient will love. Occasionally Gifted delivers Christmas Holiday flowers across Canada. Call 905-257-2433 or 866-431-GIFT(4438) to order your Christmas flowers for family and friends. When only the best will do.

Sunshine Daydream Bouquet

The Sunshine Daydream Bouquet highlights stunning sunflowers to capture their every attention with its bright beauty. Gorgeous sunflowers are accented with solidago, lily grass blades and lush greens to create a memorable flower bouquet.


Harvest Hues

This autumn bouquet that gleams with warmth and sophistication. This exclusive arrangement showcases orange roses (in Deluxe, Premium and Exquisite versions only) and Peruvian lilies, dramatic red Asiatic lilies, and deep, rich burgundy carnations hand-arranged in a metallic glass sphere that glimmers with a warm, reflective coppery finish. It makes a stunning way to celebrate all that's special about fall.

The Chrysanthemum Plant

The Chrysanthemum is a beautiful presentation of autumn beauty. Occasionally Gifted offers plant and flower delivery in the Toronto area and across Canada. Call 905-257-2433 or 866-431-GIFT(4438) to order your flower arrangement to let them know how special they are. When it Needs to be More Than Just the Thought that Counts...

Holiday Classics Centrepiece

The Holiday Classics Centrepiece draws from the rich traditions of holiday décor. This festive centrepiece is set to lend its seasonal beauty to your holiday celebrations. Occasionally Gifted delivers Christmas Holiday flowers across Canada. Call 905-257-2433 or 866-431-GIFT(4438) to order your Christmas flowers for family and friends. When only the best will do.

Peace Lily-Spathiphyllum

The Spathiphyllum The lush Peace Lily plant in a woven pot cover is one of the few flowering plants that blooms reliably indoors. Occasionally Gifted delivers plants in the Greater Toronto area and across Canada. Call 905-257-2433 or 866-431-GIFT(4438) to send a plant that expresses your sympathy beautifully. When it Needs to be More Than Just the Thought that Counts...

Flowers (128)
