Flowers (115)

Indulgent Luxury Bouquet

Let your heart speak through a dazzling display of blooming beauty

Enduring Peace Basket

The Enduring Peace Basket is bursting with grace and sweet elegance to honor the life of the deceased and offer comfort to friends and family. Occasionally Gifted delivers sympathy flower arrangements in the Toronto area and across Canada. Call 905-257-2433 or 866-431-GIFT(4438) to order the Enduring Peace Basket to express your sympathy beautifully. When only the best will do.

Seasons Sparkle Bouquet

The Season's Sparkle Bouquet brings an elegance and sophistication to the holiday season with it's natural elements and style. Occasionally Gifted delivers Christmas Holiday flowers across Canada. Call 905-257-2433 or 866-431-GIFT(4438) to order your Christmas flowers for family and friends. When only the best will do.

Sweet Amor Bouquet

Soft pastels and lush greens create a casual elegance that is perfect for any occasion. Occasionally Gifted offers flower delivery in the Toronto area and across Canada. Call 905-257-2433 or 866-431-GIFT(4438) to order your flower arrangement to let them know how special they are. When it Needs to be More Than Just the Thought that Counts...

Grand Occasion Luxury Bouquet

The Grand Occasion Bouquet is the perfect way to add sophistication and elegance into any celebration

Deepest Sympathy Arrangement

The Deepest Sympathy Arrangement is a wondrous presentation of grace and elegance to honor the life of the deceased. Pale pink roses and pink carnations are offset by baby's breath and lush greens. Occasionally Gifted delivers sympathy flower arrangements in the Greater Toronto area and across Canada. Call 905-257-2433 or 866-431-GIFT(4438) to send an arrangement that expresses your sympathy beautifully. When it Needs to be More Than Just the Thought that Counts...

Attraction Luxury Bouquet

Love is in the air and pounding in your heart. Bind your hearts as one with an overwhelming and dazzling display ....

Soul's of Splendor

The Soul's Splendor Arrangement is a rich display of the love shared throughout the life of the deceased. Occasionally Gifted delivers sympathy flower arrangements in the Greater Toronto area and across Canada. Call 905-257-2433 or 866-431-GIFT(4438) to send an arrangement that expresses your sympathy beautifully. When it Needs to be More Than Just the Thought that Counts...

Sweet Devotion

The Sweet Devotion Bouquet offers a beautiful expression of your sweetest sentiments to celebrate Mother's Day, extend your happy birthday wishes or to help celebrate the arrival of spring. Call Occasionally Gifted for the best flower bouquets. 905-257-2433 or 866-431-GIFT(4438) When only the best will do.

Flowers (115)