Flowers (35)


Joyful Luxury Rose Bouquet

Gather your warmest thoughts of heartfelt happiness through this magnificent fresh from the farm bouquet of exquisite roses

Glorious Rose Bouquet

The Glorious Rose Bouquet a truly glorious, this hand-held bouquet of 22 beautiful lavender roses is simply accented with baby's breath for a touch of elegance.

Calla Lily Promise Boutonniere

The groom wears a sophisticated Calla Lily Promise Boutonniere - a single mini calla lily with ivy and pothos greens.

Exquisite Luxury Bouquet

Grant them the ultimate indulgence with a blushing bouquet of beauteous and bountiful blooms. Our finest pale pink 24-inch premium long-stemmed roses are graceful and gorgeously elegant offset by the brilliance of pink Asiatic Lilies

Vivacious Luxury Bouquet

Picked fresh from the farm, the Vivacious Luxury Lily Bouquet lights up their heart with this uplifting bouquet of abundant elegance. Occasionally Gifted offers flower delivery in the Toronto area and across Canada. Call 905-257-2433 or 866-431-GIFT(4438) to order a flower arrangement to let them know how special they are. When only the best will do.

Blessings Luxury Bouquet

Picked fresh from the farm, this luxury bouquet was created to help you count your blessings expressed through a magnitude of graceful, eye-catching blooms

Slow Dance Boutonniere

The Slow Dance Boutonniere has a single red rose with red mini carnations accented with pink heather makes a simple and stylish boutonniere.

Pink Cymbidium Boutonniere

The Pink Cymbidium Boutonniere brings a fresh elegance to the look of your wedding party.

Indulgent Luxury Bouquet

Let your heart speak through a dazzling display of blooming beauty

Flowers (35)
