Flowers (27)


Sweet Sunshine Wristlet

The Sweet Sunshine Wristlet is a ray of warm sunshine to honor any of the special women in your life on your wedding day.

Pure Grace Wrist Corsage

Pink spray roses, ivy, and soft pink ribbon make up this very feminine Pure Grace Wrist Corsage.

Glorious Rose Bouquet

The Glorious Rose Bouquet a truly glorious, this hand-held bouquet of 22 beautiful lavender roses is simply accented with baby's breath for a touch of elegance.

Calla Lily Promise Boutonniere

The groom wears a sophisticated Calla Lily Promise Boutonniere - a single mini calla lily with ivy and pothos greens.

Yellow Rose Bouquet

Sunny yellow roses are a cheery and wonderful gift. Celebrate a birthday, anniversary, graduation or any occasion with this lively bouquet of roses with seeded eucalyptus in a clear glass vase.Call Occasionally Gifted for the best flower bouquets. 905-257-2433 or 866-431-GIFT(4438) When only the best will do.

White Rose Boutonniere

The White Rose Boutonniere creates the classic picture of wedding elegance.

Royal Court Bouquet

She'll feel like a Princess when she carries the Royal Court Bouquet.

Perfect Love Bouquet

The Perfect Love Bouquet has the perfect grace of a traditional hand-held white bouquet.

Heart's Promise Bouquet

The Heart's Promise Bouquet is a striking hand-held bouquet.

Flowers (27)
