Flowers (36)


Glorious Rose Bouquet

The Glorious Rose Bouquet a truly glorious, this hand-held bouquet of 22 beautiful lavender roses is simply accented with baby's breath for a touch of elegance.

Calla Lily Promise Boutonniere

The groom wears a sophisticated Calla Lily Promise Boutonniere - a single mini calla lily with ivy and pothos greens.

The Enchantment Corsage

The Enchantment Corsage is a blushing representation of gorgeous grace and beauty.

Your Wedding Day

Occasionally Gifted has the best Wedding Floral Designs! Call us at 905-257-2433 or 866-431-4438 We will create Your Wedding Day floral package to create your Wedding Day dreams through flowers. When only the best will do.

A Formal Affair

Occasionally Gifted has the best Wedding Floral Designs! Call us at 905-257-2433 or 866-431-4438 We will create A Formal Affair wedding package to translate your wedding dreams through flowers. When only the best will do.

Spirited Luxury Bouquet

Their spirit rises to every occasion, echoing the beauty of life's limitless journey. Offer your hand and heart with our exquisite pink cymbidium orchids.

Pure Grace Wrist Corsage

Pink spray roses, ivy, and soft pink ribbon make up this very feminine Pure Grace Wrist Corsage.

Intrigue Luxury Bouquet

Capture their attention with blushing beauty and undeniable charm. Exquisite pink Oriental Lilies and pink Asiatic Lilies stretch their large star-like petals across a bed of blush hydrangea blooms

Heart's Promise Bouquet

The Heart's Promise Bouquet is a striking hand-held bouquet.

Flowers (36)
