Gift Baskets (16)


Get Well Balloon Bunch

This Balloon Bouquet has 2 mylar and 6 latex balloons. Occasionally Gifted offers Balloon Bouquet delivery across Canada. Call Occasionally Gifted at 905-257-2433 or 866-431-GIFT(4438) to order your Balloon Bouquet to send get well wishes to someone special.

Gourmet Goodness Kosher Fruit Basket

The Gourmet Goodness Kosher Fruit Basket is a gift of nature's finest treats!

Tutti Fruitti

Birthdays, graduation, or promotion, send a little something to help them celebrate their happy event!
Sweet Treats Bestseller

Sweet Treats

When you just want to send a little something to cheer up a friend, say "Happy Birthday", "Congratulations" or "Welcome". Occasionally Gifted offers same day gift delivery of Gift Baskets in Mississauga, Oakville and the GTA. Call Occasionally Gifted at 905-257-2433 or 866-431-GIFT(4438) to order your gift basket for a very special someone.
Movie Madness Bestseller

Movie Madness

Turn your favourite child into a movie buff and send some classic snacks to go along with that latest flick. Just add friends and family to share.

Fruits & Bloom Fruit Basket

Fruit meets flowers in this delicious arrangement! Brightened by a potted plant, this fruit gift basket is a yummy choice


Sports fans will love this arrangement. Our mugs contain an assortment of full size chocolate bars and much more

Golf Greens

A glorious gift definitely not PAR for the course. His golfing buddies will be GREEN with envy! Occasionally Gifted offers same day gift delivery of Gift Baskets in Mississauga, Oakville and the GTA. Call 905-257-2433 or 866-431-GIFT(4438) to order your gift basket for a very special golfer.

Snack Attack

Kids Gifts - Birthday, graduation or promotion, send a little something to help them celebrate their happy event! Occasionally Gifted offers same day gift delivery of Gift Baskets in Mississauga, Oakville and the GTA. Call 905-257-2433 or 866-431-GIFT(4438) to order your gift basket for a very special someone.

Gift Baskets (16)
